Engineer For Engineeers     Resources

As engineers progress through their careers, they find that they have increased needs for communication skills.

  1. Engineers face frustration when others fail to see the importance and value of their projects and initiatives. How can engineers get the support they need to see their projects through to completion? read more

  2. Should you take your career in a leadership or management direction? Should you take on responsibilities of being the team lead, architect or project manager? Would you lose some of your value as an engineer? How have others dealt with this issue? read more


"Gaining Support for Your Projects," a full-day workshop for engineers and engineering managers, delivered by Leslie Martinich. request schedule

The Engineering Leadership Institute, an in-depth program for engineers who have recently transitioned to a leadership role (or are about to make that transition). The program includes an initial intensive week of training, followed by three sessions, each 6 months apart. This program was designed by technology executives who want their engineering managers to succeed. Requires an 18-month commitment.



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