Research Papers, Reports & Analysis

"Problem Solving and Creativity. Leslie Martinich discusses four practices that will boost your problem-solving ability.

"Innovation Processes for SMEs: Moving from Serendipity to Strategy," with Mila Božič, ECIE, 6th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2011.

"Managing innovations, standards and organizational capabilities," Leslie Martinich describes a capability framework for managing both innovations and mature technology.

"The Future of the Software Industry: Lessons from Hollywood," Leslie Martinich discusses the implications of moving from long development cycles to short development cycles and points to some learnings from another industry with similar cycles.

"Leadership: So Easy Even an Engineer Can Do It," Cath Polito and Leslie Martinich describe a program to improve leadership skills for engineers.

"Communicating the Vision in an Ambidextrous Organization: Connecting with Both Sides of Your Brain," Leslie Martinich explores the communication styles of leaders in successful ambidextrous organizations who balance the needs of the present with the needs of the future and who tolerate the ambiguity and inconsistency created by conflicting needs.

"Commercializing and Managing Innovations," Leslie Martinich, white paper 2004.

Research & Analysis

Success in innovation and technology leadership requires a thorough understanding of business strategy, including people, processes and technology. Our white papers and publications can help you gain insights derived from our hands-on experience with the same challenges you face.